How to Optimize Warehouse Layouts: Insights from Aden Wong

Nearly Services
4 min readJun 24, 2024


Optimizing warehouse layouts is crucial for businesses to run smoothly and efficiently. Imagine your warehouse is like a giant puzzle. If the pieces are not arranged correctly, it takes longer to find what you need, and you might waste a lot of time and effort. Aden Wong, an expert in warehouse management in Indonesia, offers practical strategies to help businesses organize their warehouse layouts for maximum efficiency. In this blog post, we will explore Aden’s tips using simple examples and language that everyone can understand.

1. Understand Your Warehouse Needs

Before you can optimize your warehouse layout, you need to understand what your warehouse needs. This means knowing the types of products you store, how often they are moved, and the space required for each item. Aden suggests starting with a thorough analysis of your inventory.


Imagine you run a warehouse in Surabaya that stores toys. You need to know which toys are most popular and need to be easily accessible, and which ones are less popular and can be stored further away.

2. Create Efficient Zones

Dividing your warehouse into different zones based on the type and frequency of products can save a lot of time. Aden recommends creating zones for receiving, storing, picking, packing, and shipping.


In your toy warehouse, you might have a receiving zone where new toys arrive, a storage zone for keeping the toys, a picking zone where workers gather toys for orders, a packing zone for preparing orders, and a shipping zone for sending out the toys.

3. Use the ABC Analysis

The ABC analysis helps you categorize products based on their importance. ‘A’ items are the most valuable and frequently moved, ‘B’ items are of moderate value and movement, and ‘C’ items are the least valuable and moved the least. Aden advises placing ‘A’ items in the most accessible locations.


In your toy warehouse, popular items like superhero action figures (A items) should be stored near the picking and packing zones, while less popular items like certain board games (C items) can be stored further away.

4. Optimize Aisle Widths

The width of the aisles in your warehouse can significantly impact efficiency. Aisles that are too narrow can cause congestion, while aisles that are too wide waste space. Aden suggests finding a balance that allows easy movement of people and equipment.


If your toy warehouse aisles are too narrow, workers might bump into each other or struggle to move large boxes. But if the aisles are too wide, you’re not using your space effectively. Aim for a width that allows two people to pass comfortably.

5. Implement a Vertical Storage System

Using vertical space can help maximize your warehouse capacity. Aden recommends using tall shelving units and organizing products vertically. This can free up floor space and make it easier to find items.


Instead of spreading all the toy boxes across the floor, use tall shelves to stack them vertically. Store less frequently accessed items higher up and frequently accessed items lower down.

6. Label Everything Clearly

Clear labeling helps workers find products quickly and reduces the chance of errors. Aden advises using large, easy-to-read labels on shelves and products.


In your toy warehouse, label each shelf with the type of toy and a unique code. For example, a shelf with superhero action figures could be labeled “Action Figures — AF01”. This way, workers can quickly find and pick the right items.

7. Use Technology

Technology can greatly enhance warehouse efficiency. Aden recommends using warehouse management software (WMS) to track inventory, manage orders, and optimize storage.


With WMS, you can have an app that tells you exactly where each toy is stored and when you need to reorder stock. This reduces the time spent searching for items and ensures you never run out of popular toys.

8. Design for Safety

A safe warehouse layout prevents accidents and ensures smooth operations. Aden suggests considering safety regulations and guidelines when designing your layout.


Make sure your toy warehouse has clear pathways, adequate lighting, and proper safety equipment like fire extinguishers and first aid kits. This helps protect your workers and keeps operations running smoothly.

9. Regularly Review and Update Layout

Warehouse needs can change over time, so it’s important to regularly review and update your layout. Aden advises conducting periodic assessments to ensure your layout remains efficient and meets current needs.


Every few months, review the layout of your toy warehouse. If you notice that some toys have become more popular and others less so, adjust the layout accordingly to keep the most popular toys easily accessible.

10. Train Your Staff

Well-trained staff are essential for maintaining an efficient warehouse. Aden emphasizes the importance of training workers on the layout, safety procedures, and use of technology.


Train your toy warehouse workers on how to use the WMS app, understand the labeling system, and follow safety guidelines. This ensures everyone knows how to work efficiently and safely.


Optimizing your warehouse layout is like solving a puzzle. By understanding your needs, creating efficient zones, using the ABC analysis, optimizing aisle widths, implementing vertical storage, labeling clearly, using technology, designing for safety, regularly reviewing your layout, and training your staff, you can create an efficient and effective warehouse.

Aden Wong’s strategies provide practical, easy-to-implement steps that can help any business improve their warehouse layout. By following these tips, you can save time, reduce errors, and increase your warehouse’s efficiency and profitability. Remember, a well-organized warehouse not only helps your business run smoothly but also keeps your workers happy and your customers satisfied.



Nearly Services

Nearly Services is a company that connects homeowners with local contractors.