Common Mistakes to Avoid During Water Heater Installation and How to Fix Them

Nearly Services
5 min readJun 19, 2024


Installing a water heater might seem like a straightforward task, but it’s actually quite complex. Even small mistakes can lead to big problems like leaks, inefficient heating, or even safety hazards. At Green House Plumbing and Heating, we’ve seen many of these issues firsthand in homes across Issaquah, Kirkland, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Redmond, Renton, Sammamish, and Woodinville. To help you avoid common pitfalls, we’ve put together this guide on common mistakes to avoid during water heater installation and how to fix them.

water heater installation

Mistake 1: Incorrect Sizing


One of the most common mistakes is choosing a water heater that is the wrong size for your home. If your water heater is too small, you’ll run out of hot water quickly. If it’s too large, you’ll waste energy heating water you don’t use.


The Brown family in Sammamish installed a water heater that was too small for their four-person household. They frequently ran out of hot water during showers and had to wait for the tank to refill and reheat.


To avoid this mistake, calculate your household’s hot water needs before purchasing a water heater. Here’s a simple guide:

  • 1–2 people: 30–40 gallon tank.
  • 2–3 people: 40–50 gallon tank.
  • 3–4 people: 50–60 gallon tank.
  • 5 or more people: 60+ gallon tank or consider a tankless water heater.


If you’ve already installed a water heater that’s the wrong size, consider upgrading to a larger model or supplementing with a tankless water heater to meet peak demand.

Mistake 2: Poor Ventilation


Gas water heaters need proper ventilation to expel harmful gases like carbon monoxide. Poor ventilation can lead to gas buildup, which is dangerous.


In Bellevue, the Johnsons installed a gas water heater but didn’t ensure proper ventilation. They started feeling sick and later discovered dangerous levels of carbon monoxide in their home.


Ensure your gas water heater has a proper venting system. The vent pipe should be the correct size and material, and it should slope upward to allow gases to escape.


If you suspect your water heater isn’t properly vented, contact a professional immediately. Carbon monoxide is a serious risk, and proper venting is crucial for safety.

Mistake 3: Incorrect Pressure Relief Valve Installation


The pressure relief valve is a crucial safety feature that prevents your water heater from building up too much pressure and exploding. Incorrect installation can lead to leaks or even a dangerous explosion.


The Martinez family in Redmond installed their water heater themselves but didn’t secure the pressure relief valve properly. They noticed water leaking from the valve and later learned they were at risk of a serious accident.


Ensure the pressure relief valve is properly installed and secured. It should have a discharge pipe that directs water safely to the floor or a drain.


If your pressure relief valve is leaking or not installed correctly, call a professional to inspect and fix it. Don’t ignore a leaking valve, as it’s a sign of a potentially dangerous problem.

Mistake 4: Improper Location


Placing your water heater in an unsuitable location can cause inefficiency and even safety hazards. For example, installing it in an unventilated space can lead to overheating or gas buildup.


The Lee family in Renton installed their water heater in a small, unventilated closet. They noticed the water heater was always hot to the touch, and their energy bills were higher than expected.


Choose a location for your water heater that is well-ventilated and easily accessible for maintenance. It should also be near where you use hot water most frequently to minimize heat loss.


If your water heater is in a poor location, consider relocating it to a more suitable spot. This might require professional help, especially if gas or water lines need to be extended.

Mistake 5: Ignoring Local Codes and Permits


Many areas have specific codes and permits required for water heater installation. Ignoring these can result in fines, and if something goes wrong, your insurance might not cover the damage.


In Woodinville, the Petersons installed a water heater without getting the necessary permits. When their water heater malfunctioned and caused water damage, their insurance refused to cover the costs because the installation wasn’t up to code.


Before installing a water heater, check local building codes and obtain any necessary permits. This ensures your installation is legal and safe.


If you’ve already installed a water heater without following local codes, contact a professional to inspect your installation and make any necessary corrections.

Mistake 6: Incorrect Pipe Connections


Incorrectly connecting the pipes can lead to leaks and inefficient water heating. This is a common mistake made by DIY installers.


The Clark family in Issaquah installed their own water heater but didn’t connect the pipes correctly. They experienced frequent leaks and inconsistent hot water.


Use the right materials and ensure all connections are tight and secure. If you’re not confident in your plumbing skills, it’s best to hire a professional.


If you notice leaks or other issues with your pipe connections, have a professional plumber inspect and correct the installation.

Mistake 7: Overlooking Maintenance


Many people think that once a water heater is installed, they can forget about it. However, regular maintenance is essential for keeping it running efficiently and preventing problems.


The Adams family in Mercer Island never flushed their water heater’s tank. Over time, sediment built up, reducing efficiency and eventually causing the tank to fail.


Perform regular maintenance on your water heater. This includes flushing the tank annually, checking the anode rod, and inspecting for leaks or other issues.


If you haven’t been maintaining your water heater, start now. Schedule an annual maintenance check with a professional to keep your water heater in top condition.

The Importance of Professional Installation

Statistics and Data:

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, improper installation of water heaters is a leading cause of inefficiency and safety hazards. Professional installation can improve efficiency by up to 20%, saving you money on energy bills. Additionally, a study by the National Fire Protection Association found that water heaters are involved in 11% of home heating fires, often due to improper installation.

Green House Plumbing and Heating:

At Green House Plumbing and Heating, we’ve seen firsthand the benefits of professional installation. Our experts ensure that your water heater is correctly sized, properly vented, and safely installed. We follow all local codes and provide regular maintenance to keep your water heater running efficiently and safely.


Installing a water heater might seem like a simple DIY project, but it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to inefficiency, higher energy bills, and even safety hazards. By avoiding common mistakes like incorrect sizing, poor ventilation, and ignoring local codes, you can ensure your water heater operates efficiently and safely.

If you live in Issaquah, Kirkland, Bellevue, Mercer Island, Redmond, Renton, Sammamish, or Woodinville, Green House Plumbing and Heating is here to help. Our professional installation and maintenance services ensure that your water heater is installed correctly and runs smoothly for years to come. Don’t take risks with your water heater — trust the experts to get the job done right.



Nearly Services

Nearly Services is a company that connects homeowners with local contractors.